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Tuesday 12 July 2011

Donna Air shoot for Grazia

Here are are a couple of images from a recent shoot with Donna Air that I did for Grazia. From a very simple, straight forward picture, shot against a white wall, with a bit of photoshop I came up with these two images. I had no real goal with either of them, it was just something I began to do and one idea lead to another. Simply put, I wanted to see what I could create from a basic image. Donna was judging a fashion event with some other industry figures and I had 10 seconds to get a quick shot of her before the next hopeful came in. In that time I got three frames. The colour image is made up from all three. For the B/W image I isolated the best one and played around with it. I'm glad I have discovered this way of presenting an image and there may well be a time in the future when I can apply this technique to a portrait with more purpose and then I think I will really be onto something.

In the meantime there is no harm in experimenting..

Let me know what you think of them.

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