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Friday 25 November 2011

MAC Cosmetics Beauty Shoot

How do make up artists become MAC Make up artists?  They train and train and train.

Last week I shot one of MAC Cosmetics training days. Thirty eight artists gathered at the St Martins Lane Hotel in London and were put through their paces by MACS Creative Team.

A theme was chosen in this case 'Countries of the World' and the artists were split into teams of 4 or 5. They got to rummage through a table of fabrics and accessories and tables piled high with MAC products. Elbows were sharpened and the stop watch was set.

Two hours later each team had come up with a look, done the make up, dressed and styled their model and were ready to shoot.

I had 3 minutes with each model taking direction from the teams about how they wanted their look captured.

I loved this quick turn around. Eight models, eight looks, eight shoots all in under 40 minutes. We needed one image from each shoot and here are my four favourites.

As ever we could have done more if we had more time but the point of training is to learn to work under pressure, at speed and still get the right results.

This was a really fun job.

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